
Get to know the best 6 sources of Plant-based Protein

Discover the top 6 best plant-based protein sources, along with summary tables of each plant protein's content. Plus, we'll recommend some trendy plant proteins that are perfect for health!


Our bodies need a good amount of protein to stay healthy and strong. That’s why plant-based proteins have become super popular among health-conscious folks! They give us all the protein we need without the extra fat you find in animal-based proteins. So, this article will introduce you to six fantastic sources of plant-based proteins and provide some handy tables comparing protein quantities to make it even easier for you. That way, you can choose the best plant-based proteins to keep you healthy and feeling great!


  • What are plant-based proteins?
  • What are the six sources of plant-based proteins?
  • Get to know Plantae, plant-based proteins products from 5 plant sources
  • Comparing protein quantities
    • Six sources of plant-based proteins
    • Plantae products
  • Summary

What are plant-based proteins?

Plant-based proteins are a fantastic alternative to animal-based ones! They’re lower in fat and packed with essential amino acids, which are like superheroes for building and repairing our cells. Plus, they do wonders in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. No wonder they’re super trendy among folks who want to cut down on animal products. You can easily swap them in for animal proteins in your diet! So, where can you find these awesome plant-based proteins? Well, they hang out in lots of plant families like legumes, seeds, and nuts. And guess what? They’re also hiding in veggies like broccoli, kale, asparagus, and mushrooms, as well as in grain-based goodies like barley, quinoa, lentils, millet, and spelt. These protein-packed champs are everywhere, and they’ll keep you healthy and feeling great!

What are the six sources of plant-based proteins?



Soybeans are high in protein and contain important amino acids like lysine and arginine. They’re also a great source of calcium and iron. Soybean products like soy milk are excellent alternatives to animal milk due to their high vitamin and mineral content. Other products like tofu and tempeh can be used as meat substitutes in meals.


Seeds like chia, pumpkin, sunflower, and flaxseeds are rich in protein and fiber, which aids digestion and reduces the risk of constipation. They also help control blood sugar levels and promote a feeling of fullness, which can help with weight management. These seeds are packed with various minerals like iron, which aids in food digestion and energy production, calcium, which supports muscle building and hormone regulation, and zinc, which aids in cell repair and growth and promotes better sleep.


Lentils and other legumes like chickpeas and black beans are high-quality sources of protein. They are great for people looking to build muscles or manage their weight. Legumes also provide fiber that enhances the efficiency of digestion, controls blood sugar levels, and reduces cholesterol. They support the immune system and prevent anemia. During pregnancy, they play a vital role in the baby’s growth.


Nuts, such as Almonds, Walnuts, and Pistachios, are excellent sources of protein and contain beneficial unsaturated fats for the heart. They can be used as ingredients in salads and smoothies or enjoyed as snacks. However, it’s important to be mindful of their high calorie content. Therefore, it’s advisable to consume nuts in moderation each day.

Whole Grains

Grains like rice, brown rice, and quinoa are rich in vitamins that strengthen the immune system, minerals that aid in food digestion and energy production, proteins for cell repair, carbohydrates for energy, and good fats for a balanced diet. Some types of grains can be cooked, while others can be ground into flour for bread and pasta.

Vegetables and Fruits

Certain veggies like broccoli, spinach, asparagus, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and mushrooms, and fruits like bananas, blackberries, nectarines, and pears also contain protein. However, it’s essential to complement these protein sources with others to ensure complete nutrition for your body.

Get to know the five types of Plantae plant-based proteins


Plantae is a plant-based protein that is tastier and easier to consume. It also contains 5 types of plants, including Lentils, Chickpeas, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, and Organic Rice which have a rich protein and other nutrients that are essential for the body, such as Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Antioxidants, without added sugar.


Lentils are high-quality protein sources packed with essential nutrients crucial for growth and cell repair in the body. They contain ample amounts of carbohydrates, making them an excellent energy source. Lentils are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, iron, and phosphorus, which contribute to a strong and healthy body. Additionally, they are high in antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of various diseases.


Soybeans boost high protein content and are rich in carbohydrates and fats. They are a good source of various beneficial substances such as isoflavones, which play a role in regulating female hormones, balancing hormones related to growth, and reducing abnormalities in the thyroid gland. Soybeans may also alleviate symptoms of menopause and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are sources of protein, dietary fiber, and healthy fats. Consuming pumpkin seeds can provide essential nutrients and promote a healthy digestive system. They are packed with a variety of minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which maintain bone and teeth health. Pumpkin seed fats are unsaturated fats, beneficial for reducing the risk of heart disease and inflammation in the body.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium, supporting bone and teeth health. They are sources of protein, dietary fiber, and healthy fats beneficial to overall health. The fats found in sunflower seeds are unsaturated fats, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Organic Brown Rice

Organic brown rice is grown and produced without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides in agriculture, resulting in higher nutrient density. By avoiding chemical use in the farming process, it retains more high-quality nutrients and vitamins. Additionally, it avoids residual chemicals that may have adverse effects on consumers’ health. Organic brown rice is a source of beneficial substances like fiber, phytochemicals, and necessary minerals with low caloric content.

Comparing protein quantities

Six sources of Plant-based Proteins Table

Nuts and Seeds

WalnutsAlmondsCashew nutsChia seedsFlax seedsHemp seedsPumpkin SeedSunflower Seed
Quantity of Protein(28-30 grams)4.5 grams6 grams4.5 grams6 grams6 grams9.5 grams5.5 grams8.5 grams

Plant-based Milk

Soy milkPea milk
Quantity of Protein(240 ml.)6 grams8 grams


SoybeansPeasBlack BeansPinto PeanutsChickpeaKidney BeansLentil
Quantity of Protein(80–93 grams)10 grams8 grams8 grams7 grams7.5 grams8 grams8 grams

Meat Substitute from Plant-based Protein

TofuTempehPlant-based meat alternative Seitan
Quantity of Protein(85 grams)Quantity of Protein(100 grams)Quantity of Protein(100 grams)
4 grams13 grams19 grams

High-Protein Cereal Grain

QuinoaBrown RiceSpinachGreat MilletOatSpeltTeff
Quantity of Protein (100-126 grams)4.5 grams3 grams4.7 grams3.5 grams3 grams6 grams4.9 grams

High-Protein Vegetables and Fruits

BroccoliSweet PotatoArtichokeSpinachBananaBlackberryGuava
Quantity of Protein (90 grams)Quantity of Protein(150 grams)Quantity of Protein(90 grams)Quantity of Protein(85 grams)Quantity of Protein(125 grams)Quantity of Protein(145 grams)Quantity of Protein(165 grams)
2.5 grams2 grams3 grams2 grams1.5 grams2 grams4.5 grams

Quantity of 5 PLANTAE Plant-based Protein Table

LentilsSoybeanPumpkin SeedSunflower SeedOrganic Rice
Quantity of Protein(100 grams)5 grams31 grams19 grams21 grams4 grams


Plant-based proteins can be sourced from various plants, vegetables, and fruits, with protein quantities varying depending on the source. It’s essential to consume an adequate amount of plant-based protein to meet the body’s daily protein needs. For those with limited time for protein calculations, Plantae Complete-Plant Protein is a convenient option to ensure sufficient protein intake in a day. You can order it here.

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